Monday, November 21, 2011

H2O Xtreme : Screams of excitement and bolts of laughter echoed throughout the complex as we came thundering down the waterslide.

Zoo: At Wellington Zoo we had a night tour. There were giraffes, lions, cheetahs and enrichment making for the monkeys. This involving stuffing pinecones with popcorn, jam and seeds to encourage natural behaviour that they would do in the wild. We slept and there were noises all night long . finally morning came and we woke up bright and early to all sorts of animal sounds then we started a day tour to see all the animals that we did not get to see the night before! We feed the monkeys their enrichment we made the day before¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Room four back in business

Finally wwe have worked through the challenges of changing google accounts and we are back in business.
We welcome your feedback about some of our learning and likes are always good!!

Wellington Camp

Twisting, turning,
Going down the black hydraslide.
It was day four of our Wellington camp
We took the train out to Upper Hutt for a night swim.
