Thursday, November 19, 2009


On the 6th of November our school had a disco for all ages- one for junior students and a senior one. The juniors went from 5.00pm to 6.00pm and from 6.00 to 6.30 we shared a great tea and then the senior one started. It went from 6:30 to 8.30. You brought $2 and you got a fizzy drink and good music to dance to. It took almost an hour to do the setting up. It was a great night... we definitely will be doing it again in the future!!

By Lilli

Susan Rifici

For the last 2 terms Susan has been coming into room4 to teach us about Healing Species. Every Thursday afternoon she has been coming in with a different dog from the Nelson Ark. We wrote letters to the circus and some products companies to ask them to stop testing their products on animals and test them in the labs. She also has been teaching us to let it out if you're angry or sad -just to let it out don't bottle it up. She showed us a video of standing up to people if they are treating you wrongly and to tell someone that will help you. It was a great learning experience and very inspiring.
By Emily

Athletics day

On the 14th of November the Athletics day was held at the Moutere sports complex. Its always held on the nearest Saturday to Armistice day and it involves a whole range of activities which includes high jump, long jump,runing and sprinting. And there are always races at the end the RSA which the 2nd fastest kid in each school races in and the peace shield which is the fastest kid in each school and Brad won it!!!! The parents race is quite popular with the parents that can be bothered to run and not make up excuses. Jordi and Sebastians dad always gives it a go and he usually comes out first also Jamies dad Mark won his race. It is always a great day and most people enjoyed every minute of it.